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All Saklan students enjoy music instruction and the opportunity it provides to discover individual talent and passion.


Pre–K through 5th grade students visit the music specialist 3 times per week. Pre-K students learn new songs, finger-plays, and movements to help develop a sense of rhythm, creative expression, and confidence. Students also use a large variety of instruments, from hand drums and drum kits, to xylophones and hand bells. K-5 students continue to learn new songs and begin to understand the history and theory behind each piece. They play many instruments, including xylophones, piano, guitar, drums, and bass, and apply these experiences to performances.


Middle school students meet in larger, mixed grade ensembles where they continue to develop skills in instrumental and vocal performance. Any instrument is welcome in the classroom and proficiency is developed through practical application. Students delve deeper into music history and theory, and apply these skills to their many performances throughout the year.