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Admissions Event Registration

Open House & Virtual Event Registration

The Saklan School is where Preschool through 8th Grade students grow into people who think creatively, act compassionately, and live courageously.

1st - 8th grade students packing lunches for homeless.

Saklan is a place where hands-on, Project Based Learning inspires authentic curiosity; where strong academics instill high personal standards; where supportive teachers create meaningful connections; and where real-world experiences foster courage and build confidence.

If your child is ready to take risks, collaborate, ask big questions, and become a confident problem solver, then we invite you to learn more about The Saklan School by registering for one of our upcoming events.

Open Houses & Virtual Events*
Please mark any of the upcoming Open Houses you plan to attend.
Answer Required
Grade Level(s) of Interest*
Answer Required
Confirmation Email